Snare RPG
Jackal Heart Manor is a hub for my personal projects, art, and blog. This is my home on the web, and invite you to stay a while, enjoy the sights, and reach out from the great beyond if you're so inclined.


Under construction! Stand by, many links will be broken. I've done some html and css in the past, but I'm pretty limited in the time I have to learn some more. This particular mini-micro-blog will function as a main spot for my thoughts, ideas, and snippets that don't warrant their own articles. I don't really know how to set up proper tagged blog entries, so all of it will live here in this div. (I understand that it's not great)

I honestly don't even know how to make a real header/footer/nav without using dreamweaver (with lots of help) or a codeless builder...so. Yeah. If anyone could tell me how to make the hr lines a different color, or this font a little bigger, feel free to let me know. (If you have a micro-blog-y type thing I can embed here or a css thing that's similar, I'd love that. But keep in mind that my knowledge is limited to copying and pasting code, then editing things I recognize. Like hex codes. I'm sure I'll keep learning as I go along, but this is just where I'm at right now!)


Entry 0 placeholder


Entry -1 placeholder